Sponsorship opportunities

The organising committee for the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (CDNM) Symposium extends a warm invitation to organisations offering services, products, and expertise related to the nursing and midwifery workforce to support this valuable event.

A range of sponsorship opportunities tailored for organisations of all sizes are available, designed to increase your brand awareness and visibility among a highly targeted audience of industry professionals.

Who will be attending?

The symposium will host approximately 200 nursing and midwifery leaders, managers, clinicians, academics and researchers from Australia and New Zealand, who are engaged in education, regulation and practice.

Why become a sponsor?


Engage directly with your target audience at a face-to-face event in New Zealand.


Highlight your organisation’s services, products and expertise.


Foster existing partnerships and create new connections with leading researchers and health professionals.


Harness tailored sponsorship opportunities crafted to amplify your brand awareness and meet your specific goals.

Sponsorship opportunities

A variety of opportunities are on offer to ensure the best exposure for your organisation, while enabling us to offer the highest quality program to our delegates.

If you would like to discuss any of the opportunities within, or negotiate a customised sponsorship, please contact the conference organiser, Expert Events.

All amounts are in Australian dollars. Australian and New Zealand GST is not applicable.

Platinum sponsor

$ 12,000
one only

This is an opportunity to be named as a platinum sponsor (and the focus sponsor for one full allocated day of the symposium).

Recognition as a platinum sponsor on all symposium material, including:

  • the opportunity to provide a promotional blurb included in a symposium EDM (electronic direct marketing)
  • logo on the symposium website (with hyperlinks to company website)
  • logo displayed as a platinum sponsor on the event app and final program
  • opportunity to bring and display a pull-up banner in the plenary room for your allocated day
  • logo on symposium signage including in the main plenary room and on all PowerPoint holding slides.

Platinum sponsors will receive a two-minute speaking opportunity during a plenary session (on the day they are allocated) to welcome delegates.

Platinum sponsors will be acknowledged as the sponsors of this function.

Optional allocation of one complimentary trade table on which to display your promotional materials. (Please be mindful with any printing).

Three complimentary symposium registrations, which include attendance at the welcome reception, all sessions, lunches, morning and afternoon teas, and the symposium dinner.

Rotating banner advertisement at the bottom of the event app (dimensions: 1440 wide x 205 high pixels). (Artwork is to be supplied by the sponsor to specifications provided by the symposium secretariat).

A copy of the delegate list showing names and organisations will be provided, except where privacy laws exclude particular participants’ details from being included.

Gold sponsor

$ 5,000
one only

This is an opportunity to be named as the sponsor of a keynote presentation.*

Recognition as a gold sponsor on all symposium material, including:

  • logo on the symposium website (with hyperlinks to company website)
  • logo displayed as the gold sponsor on the event app and final program
  • opportunity to bring and display a pull-up banner in one room during your allocated breakout session
  • logo on symposium signage, including in the main plenary room and on all PowerPoint holding slides.
  • verbal acknowledgment at the beginning of the sponsored keynote presentation by the MC/ Chair

Optional allocation of one complimentary trade table on which to display your promotional materials. (Please be mindful with any printing).

Two complimentary symposium registration, which includes attendance at the welcome reception, all sessions, lunches, morning and afternoon teas, and the symposium dinner.

A copy of the delegate list showing names and organisations will be provided, except where privacy laws exclude particular participants’ details from being included.

* Preference will be allocated on receipt of application form and payment.

Silver sponsor

$ 2,900

This is an opportunity to be named as the silver sponsor of one catering break on one day (morning tea or lunch or afternoon tea) or a breakout session (concurrent sessions occurring across different themes).*

Recognition as a silver sponsor on all symposium material, including:

  • logo on the symposium website (with hyperlinks to company website)
  • logo displayed as the silver sponsor on the event app and final program
  • opportunity to bring and display a pull-up banner during your allocated lunch time.
  • logo on symposium signage, including in the main plenary room and on all PowerPoint holding slides.

Optional allocation of one complimentary trade table on which to display your promotional materials. (Please be mindful with any printing).

One complimentary symposium registration, which includes attendance at the symposium welcome reception, all sessions, lunches, morning and afternoon teas, and the symposium dinner.

A copy of the delegate list showing names and organisations will be provided, except where privacy laws exclude particular participants’ details from being included.

* Preference will be allocated on receipt of application form and payment.

Event app sponsor


This is an opportunity to be named as the event app sponsor that is supporting the symposium with an environmentally friendly approach. The downloadable event app will provide delegates with all the information needed onsite, including the full program, abstracts, speaker details, social program, maps and sponsor listing.

Recognition as a event app sponsor on all symposium material, including:

  • logo on the symposium website (with hyperlinks to company website)
  • logo displayed in the event app and final program
  • logo on the symposium signage, including in the main plenary room and on all PowerPoint holding slides
  • logo on signage with app download instructions.

As the app sponsor you are entitled to:

  • rotating banner advertisement at the bottom of the event app (dimensions: 1440 wide x 205 high pixels). (Artwork is to be supplied by the sponsor to specifications provided by the symposium secretariat).
  • a dedicated page on the app to showcase your organisation (company profile, logo, photos, information and links can be included)
  • two “push notifications” which will appear as a text message at the top of the app screen.

Symposium dinner sponsor

$ 2,500
One only

This is an opportunity to be named as the sponsor of the symposium dinner on Thursday 30 October 2025.

Subject to the time of booking, recognition as the symposium dinner sponsor including:

  • logo on the symposium website (with hyperlinks to company website)
  • logo displayed on the event app and final program
  • logo on symposium dinner menus
  • verbal acknowledgement as the sponsor during the function
  • opportunity to bring and display a pull-up banner at the symposium dinner.

You will receive a two-minute speaking opportunity at the symposium dinner to welcome delegates.

You will receive two complimentary tickets to the symposium dinner.

Sponsorship summery

Application to sponsor

Applications for sponsor packages can be submitted via the sponsor application portal. We encourage you to submit without delay. All applications will firstly be reviewed by the symposium committee before you will be contacted by the symposium organiser regarding confirmation.

If these sponsorship opportunities do not meet your requirements, but you would like to become involved in supporting the symposium, please do not hesitate to contact Expert Events on +61 7 3848 2100 or via email at cdnm@expertevents.com.au.